Search more important than navigation?

(Originally for Satama Research Blog)

What a fascinating design topic.

Are we as online users getting so lasy, that we no longer want to navigate on sites. Do we just want to get the latest site updates as RSS feeds for “data storages” and google the rest? What it the benefit of good online design anymore in the dawning age of searchbots and 3rd generation information agent software. Read what experts think about this topic on this from here and here.

For me, this kind of new world means basically that we, as design company, will need to invest more and more to search engine optimisation. Not a single site should leave any longer a digital media firm without being optimised to search engines. This is a quality issue. With tools such as WebCEO any competitor of a digital media company can scan this signiifcant quality issue of our sites (and we also theirs!). Would you like to be communicated by the client that your design and code does not work? And that our competitors would report our customers this? Would not be good. Let’s start ensuring this in here – NOW!